The bad news is that you will never obtain the romantic love you once felt for your loved one. The good news is that you can obtain real love! Our culture has been amiss in teaching couples that there are two distinct types of love. Real love is committed, accepting, understanding, loving, available, warm, and consistent - your best friend.
No one can answer that question but the two of you. Each person in the relationship must be willing to try. In trying, you will be asked to examine yourself, become self-aware, and risk your emotional self. Before changing who you are living with, try changing the way you are living with that person.
Many couples are living in passionless relationships. No relationship need be passionless. If you ever felt more for each other, then the passion can be re-ignited.
Communication skills, plus methods for talking to each other (more than just communication skills), learn to feel emotionally safe while communicating, and learn how to create your own structure within and outside of therapy.
Yes, Dr. Brandi includes Zoom sessions after the first in-person consultation.
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